Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Killers (Cine 1 Final)

Miles Kelly

The Killers

A man walks into a hotel room. There is a lamp backlighting a large elegant sofa chair. Its dark and the man can’t see who is in the other chair. He calls out, “Lisa, is that you?” He hears from the chair an icy voice, “yes dear, it is, come sit down.”

The man sits down in another sofa chair, there is a coffee table between the two chairs and a lamp on it.

The man turns on the lamp and looks at Lisa. Lisa looks at the man.

Lisa asks the man, “Well, what do you think, Jim, my darling?”

Jim asks, “What choice do I have?”

Lisa gives Jim a kind of self centered, I win kind of smile.

Lisa says to Jim “What’s wrong? Huh? The worlds better off this way. No one will miss him. Not me, because I will have you.

Jim responds, “Why drag me into this? What has he ever done to me?”

Lisa replies with unusual anger, “You’re right, you’re the one who should be killed, you’ve been having an affair with a married woman. You think I can marry you with him around? No way!

Jim pauses to think for a moment, then he asks, “So, if I do this, wedding bells eh?

Lisa smiles again and replies “You got that right, baby.”

Jim takes the wine from the table, pours himself a glass and drinks the whole glass. Jim takes a gun out of his pocket and shows it to Lisa.

Jim looks at Lisa and says “Ok, ill do it.”

Lisa replies “I knew you would.”

Jim touches his head as if he was a little disoriented from drinking. He puts the gun on his lap. Lisa stands up. He stands up and the gun falls and lands on the floor causing it to go off. He looks stunned. Lisa falls to the ground.

Jim says with hardly any breath or belief , in shock, woken from his drunkenness  “No, no! Lisa! What have I done?”

Lisa is in shock and asks Jim in a frantic confusion, “What happened? Jim? Jim?

Jim is also in shock and tries to console Lisa, by saying, “Lisa you’ve been shot, but your going to be fine. You'll be fine. I'll get help.”

Lisa is now very angry, “No Jim! Stay here! Why did you shoot me? You bastard!

Lisa’s hand searches for the gun amongst the hardwood floor, she finds it and pulls it to her.

Jim feeling responsible replies “Lisa it was an accident! I'm so sorry. I promise I’ll kill that husband of yours, I know what he did to you. You shouldn’t have had to live with that beast!”

Lisa stares into Jim’s eyes, “Your no better, your just the same, you would kill my husband to get what you want. A man will always get what he wants. I thought I could get his fortune, run away from you, run away from you possessive men. I wanted to be free to do whatever I wanted, for once. You took my dreams away and replaced them with rules and…”

Lisa pauses gasping for air.

Jim in shock, respectfully says again, “I’m sorry”

Lisa, now furious beyond death replies “You want to be with me? You will be!”

Lisa pulls the gun up and cocks the gun.

I... I won't die alone!”

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